This is such a magical and important time for all of us!  Shifts and changes not just each day, but each breath.  We are already in the energies of this Full Moon, in an air sign, opposite the Sun and Mercury across the sky in the fire sign Leo.  We have new ideas, we now must release the old unproductive thoughts and let these new ideas flow into us, out of us, dance around us, and mostly help us step into new dimensions of possibility and manifestation.

The left brain makes sure your world operates in a practical and efficient way.  Your right brain makes sure you are considering the hopes and dreams that are around you are getting equal attention.  This Full Moon is also making sure that  the process of expansion is in play as well.

The aspect dynamic between Saturn in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries, which lasts for almost two months is compelling us to either reframe or release all that may hold us in old patterns, so that we may continue our ascent into so many new worlds of possibilities.  We hold the reins of this adventure, and we must allow ourselves to soar.

I’m in a two day workshop this weekend, experiencing just these concepts, and knowing that this Full Moon in Aquarius is inviting us all to join the unlimited energies that this universe offers every moment, I invite you all to join me, there is plenty of room, I promise!

Nancy Ogren

AstrologyAstrology for the new ageAstrology forecast

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