Source: via Dianne on Pinterest

POOR ME by Dianne Carol

Come on, now don’t you think this is funny?  I have a particular connection to this picture because I’ve played victim, or so I’m told, my entire life.  It somehow works for me because I ultimately get everything I want!

Seriously though, when I idealize my life from the broader stance of Source energy, I have everything I need, including cookies!  So why do I believe that I must play victim in order to get . . . LOVE?

According to James Redfield’s CELESTINE PROPHECY, Insight #4: Competition for energy. A fundamental assumption underlies most human interactions: we must compete for this energy, drawing it from others and protecting ourselves from others’ attempts to draw it from us. This leads to some nasty interactions.

All humans, because of their upbringing, tend toward one of four control dramas:

  • Intimidators steal energy from others by threat.
  • Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning.
  • Aloof people attract attention (and energy) to themselves by playing coy.
  • Poor me’s make us feel guilty and responsible for them.

Which one are you?  Fixation on the game of control for energy is a daily competitive sport for many of us, consciously or subconsciously.

Choosing a new way of being outside of my Poor me control drama leads to empowered possibilities.  Moreover, without the control drama, I am left to focus on things of real importance.  Like what I want to create next and how I want to move about my day.  I feel a sense of peace instead of anxiousness about myself and others.

Herein lies the problem of catching myself before I ‘go down hill’ emotionally.  However, as a spiritual warrior, I am dedicated to shining a light on my shadow self and addressing uncomfortable people and situations from a place of victor instead of victim.  How can I learn and benefit from the situation?  What is the person or situation showing me about myself?  HOW can I react differently?

The law of attraction states that what we focus on becomes real.  I can change.  I know I can.  My energy goes wherever my focus directs.  The Spiritual Warrior will prevail!

Love and light, Dianne Carol


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