December 2020 Celestial Events

Keep Your Eyes on the Sky in December

By Eliza Marie Somers

December 2020 is packed with exciting celestial events, and you can take advantage of these events with the correct timing.

We have a new moon solar eclipse on Monday, Dec. 14 at 9:16 a.m. New moons are for new beginnings, and with an eclipse it’s a new moon on steroids. New moon energy is available up to 3-4 days after the new moon. We won’t experience a total eclipse here in Denver, however, we will feel its effects. 

The moon will be in Sagittarius, which is the “keeper of philosophies,” according to Jasmine Boland, a Hay House author. This is a great time to reassess your life and start anew. The new moon in Sag is also about travel, though with the pandemic instead of traveling, watch a movie with expansive views of the places you want to visit, or cook up some international cuisine. Laughter and thankfulness also come under the new moon in Sagittarius, so check in to see if you have been too serious — and who hasn’t during this crazy year — along with picking up a gratitude journal. 

A journal is great way to keep your perspective positive, and to bring in more of what you makes you grateful. So, if you haven’t started one or have been laxed in writing now is a great time to pick it back up. I enjoy starting a new journal, and we have some wonderful leather-bound journals at both For Heaven’s Sake stores.

I also started chanting a gratitude prayer on my mala beads, which takes about 5-10 minutes, and is an excellent way to start your day. Gratitude also raises out vibration. We have a wide range of mala beads at our stores, and they also make delightful gifts.

I started following Boland’s moonology rituals last year, and I find it helpful in bringing my wishes into reality. Her new moon ritual starts with gratitude, then write down your top wishes for the new moon cycle. Meditate on your wishes, and make a plan on what you will do to make them come true. Then release your wishes to the universe. That’s the abbreviated version of Boland’s ceremony.  

Smudging products at For Heaven’s Sake Denver

I also like to burn white sage, desert sage or cedar to clear out the old energies, and then burn some palo santo, sweetgrass or lavender to bring in the good energies. I now use a charcoal “puck,” as I like to call it, to burn my sage and other goodies on. A puck lasts about an hour, and has opened up a new world of burning resins, such as frankincense, myrrh and amber. I also use the puck when I’m cleansing a house because it lasts longer.  Check out our wide selection of sage, palo santo and resins at both stores.

Along with a solar eclipse this month, Saturn (Dec. 16) and Jupiter (Dec. 19) will be moving into Aquarius and meet for a Grand Conjunction on Dec. 21 – the winter solstice – in which they will look like the Christmas star. Here is a story about the event from CNN.

According to Astrologer Susan Miller, a Grand Conjunction is when Jupiter and Saturn meet, which take place every 20 years. A Grand Mutation is when these two planets change elements in which they conjunct. Jupiter and Saturn have been meeting in earth elements for the last 200 years and will make their move into to air elements starting this month. They will remain in Aquarius until 2040 when they will travel to Libra, then onto Gemini in 2060. 

When Jupiter and Saturn change signs it signals great change, so think about WHAT you want! Don’t focus on what you don’t want in your life. Positive thoughts bring positive results. 

So, stay positive as we enter the new year, which brings us to a full moon Dec. 29 at 8:28 p.m. in Cancer. Full moons are great for releasing old patterns and whatever you don’t want in your life. Think of endings. 

This is an excellent time to practice forgiveness. You don’t want to bring resentment, anger, envy and/or hatred into the new year. And remember to forgive yourself. We all make mistakes, so quit being hard on yourself and start being gentler when you look in the mirror. 

We enter 2021 with a vaccine for the coronavirus, truly a grateful event, but it will take months before we can achieve immunity. So, stay vigilant, wear a mask, social distance and create what you want by watching the sun, moon and stars. They tell a story, and were created to give us signs and wonders. 


108 prayer beads2020Astrology for the new ageCleansing energy outCrystalsDecember 2020Denver metaphysical storeEclipseGrand conjunctionLeather journalsMalaMala beadsMoonNew moonPalo santoSageWinter solstice

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