essential oils denver

So you were gifted essential oils and a diffuser for the holidays, but you are a bit hesitant to use them. Or are you just curious about incorporating essential oils for a “greener” lifestyle, but don’t know how to start?

We have some tips for you as you start your path with essential oils.

First and foremost, research the products you plan to use, along with the individual essential oils and their properties. Essential oils are souped-up botanical products – an example is oregano essential oil can burn if not used properly.  Also make sure the product you are using has a lot number on the container and the company tests its products.  We like doTerra products here at For Heaven’s Sake, and carry a large line of its products. Compare doTerra’s essential oils with those other brands and you can smell the difference. AND check the ingredients, some store-bought brands are diluted with carrier oils, which accounts for lower prices .

When mixing a blend for my diffuser, I will take the lids off and put the bottles together and take a little whiff. Also refer to your diffuser’s instructions for how many drops of oils to use. And when using on skin, ALWAYS use a carrier oil, such as olive oil, almond oil or my favorite, coconut oil – both fractionated and solid.

Now that you have decided on the brand, here are some suggestions for using essential oils to help chase away the winter blues, combat stress and even halt a cold.

Basil – Diffusing basil can help mental alertness, focus and alleviate anxiousness. It is also antibacterial and an analgesic, which can help ease those pains from your pow-pow mountain weekends. Be careful when using on skin as it is potent, so start slow. Here’s a link to some other uses for basil oil.

Bergamot – Another calming and uplifting essential oil that pairs well with basil. This is a citrus plant, so be careful when applying to the skin and avoid sunlight for several hours after applying to the skin. The Cleveland Clinic also touts diffusing bergamot for easing pain.

Citrus Bliss – A special doTerra blend that helps with mood along with being a great product to use instead of dryer sheets – just sprinkle a few drops on the toe of an old sock, tuck the toe into the sock to keep the oil from hitting clothes, and tumble as usual.

Cedarwood – You know about lavender and its ability to help ease you to sleep, why not try adding cedarwood to your diffuser? Studies have found it produces a sedative effect, and its vapors open up sinuses.

Clary Sage – This perennial herb is an analgesic, antidepressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, with sedative properties, among others. It contains a hormone similar to estrogen and has been used to help women with cramps, hot flashes and hormonal imbalances.

Grapefruit – Stressed and tired? Try grapefruit in your diffuser; it is uplifting, refreshing, and improves mental clarity and awareness, according to The Aromatherapy Encyclopedia by Carol and David Schiller.

Eucalyptus – One of the best essential oils for sore throats, cough, allergies and headaches. The aboriginal people of Australia used eucalyptus for colds, infections, congestion and pain. Vapors open up sinuses. The oil also is energizing and improves alertness.

Fennel – Chewing fennel seeds is known to relieve stomach issues. Rubbing a few drops of fennel essential oil with a carrier oil can help digestive issues. And according to Dr. Axe, it may aid in weight loss.

Lemongrass – This essential oil contains antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Do NOT ingest lemongrass oil and use small amounts in diffusers and topically. published this article about the benefits of lemongrass.

Lime – Again use small amounts when using citrus oils. Lime is uplifting, refreshing and reviving – something great for these dark days of winter.

Peppermint – Who doesn’t love peppermint? It’s great for easing a stomach ache, opening sinuses, relieving headaches and freshening our breath. The Cleveland Clinic also lists peppermint tea as fighting infections, cancer and heart disease. Be careful ingesting peppermint essential oil –one drop goes a long way — excessive amounts orally can be toxic as one woman was admitted to the hospital due to toxic dose of peppermint oil.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition.

BasilBasil oilBergamotBergamot oilCedarwoodCedarwood essential oilCitrusCitrus bliss essential oilClary sageClary sage essential oilDiffuserEssential oil diffuserEssential oilsEucalyptusEucalyptus essential oilEucalyptus oilFennelFennel essential oilGrapefruitGrapefruit essential oilHealing oilsLearn about essential oilsLemongrassLemongrass essential oilLimeLime essential oilOilsPeppermintPeppermint essential oilPeppermint oilUse essential oilsWhere to buy essential oils

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