The sky in June Astrology Forecast by Sophie Rose

The month begins with a powerful full moon on the 2nd that should have some of us release emotions we’ve been withholding for a while. It is also a great couple days for creative projects that require a lot of imagination.
Some clarifications are necessary in our friendships or business relationships, particularly those which began around September 2014: we might need to review and change something in the way we cooperate so we can manifest some new professional and social opportunities later in the month (Jupiter trine Uranus on June 22nd: take a chance on something, that’s a nice lucky aspect). 
Mercury is retrograde until the 11th:We will still feel distracted, or annoyed by mis-communications or things that need repair.
Some impetuous energy mid-month could create an explosion of things left unsaid until now, the drive to unlock stuck spots or to move forward on a project (Sun conjunct Mars in Gemini on the 14th).
Saturn will retrograde into Scorpio on June 15th: Any issues having to do with sticky emotional or financial dependency (think about situations in Dec 2014) should be cleared up, we have until mid-September to do the work.
Astrology workshop: Money in your chart

Friday  June 19th    7 to 9 pm

For Heaven’s Sake

4900 W 46th Ave, Denver

We will explore your strengths, talents and also challenges having to do with money in your life: What are the best ways to manifest money? Are there behavioral patterns preventing you to achieve wealth? Is it a good time to change something in your financial situation?


Email me your date, exact time and place of birth by June 17th and get a free copy of your chart. We will use willing participants charts as a practical application.

This workshop is intended for beginners and intermediate students. Cost: $15 pre-paid   $20 at the door


Astrology readings 

Sunday June 21st 11 am-5 pm

For Heaven’s Sake

4900 W 46th Ave, Denver

$45/30 mns       $80/1 hour

Please call or email me to reserve a time slot.


Past life regression

Would you like to go in one of your past lives right now in the comfort of your home? Try this short past life regression with Brian Weiss, a pioneer in past life regression, and let me know how it went.
My sessions last 2 1/2 hours, the induction is tailored to your needs and you will spend more than one hour going through many scenes of a past life and communicating with/asking questions to your higher guidance.
Have a great month!




AstrologyAstrology for the new ageAstrology forecastAstrology readingsDenver spiritual communityEventsIntuitive services & bodyworkSophie rose

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