The summer surges on, and the fireworks didn’t stop in July…  August promises to be another ass-kicker of a month – er, excuse me!  (glute-whacking?  Tush-tackling?  Umm…)  Ok.  August promises to be another month with many challenges and abundant opportunities for growth, awareness, and spiritual evolution.  Better?  Turn the other cheek, my dear ones?   (I have been saying for some time now that I’m seeing many people with angel footprints on their butts…)

Ok, so let’s get to it.   August kicks off on the 2nd with our 2nd Mercury Rx (retrograde) of three this year, turning Rx just into the first degree of its own discerning sign Virgo, back-stepping into prideful – and stubborn – Leo on August 8th, then turning direct late into 18 Leo on August 27th.   But let’s back up that back up and take it from the top.   So, Mercury has been in its ‘shadow’ since mid-July, and by the start of the month the little speedster isn’t at all speedy as it slows to its stop and turn around.   I make an effort to minimize political commentary in these forecasts, but it’s screamingly obvious that this timing describes the screaming meltdown in Congress over raising the debt ceiling as the D-date when the US of A could go into default for the first time ever looms big on August 2nd – the day little ol’ Merc stops and turns.   Retrograde Mercury isn’t a great time for communications, travel, signing contracts, or surgery, but it is great for finishing projects, rethinking and refining ideas, and introspection – so this could be helpful.  Will the GOPhers have a sanity attack (or get too many calls from unhappy constituents) while they play this huge-stakes game of chicken with the entire world economy, or not?  We can hope.   And pray.   And put our energy to good use.

It does not look like an easy, amiable resolution to issues in the political or personal world.  The same day Mercury slams on the brakes (I’m glad it is in discerning Virgo), muscle-ego-‘my way’ Mars flies out of talking, busybody Gemini into emotional, poor-me sensitive, on-the-Aries-axis Cancer – a lovely sign, as are they all, but not a great energy fit for aggressive, active Mars.   Mars entering Cancer catalyzes collective changes and also immediately joins the Uranian transneptunian Hades (putrify or purify), and makes an easy-flowing trine to idealistic, illusionary and often confusing and sometimes deceptive Neptune.   Wow.   But that’s just the start of this next phase of this gang-war rumble – the challenges combust and accelerate fast.

Neptune has been Rx since June, and backs out of its own watery, dreamy sign Pisces on August 4th after sticking a toe in those waters, back into visionary Aquarius until next year – and also offering a confusing opposition to Mercury that will be exact on the 8th when Mercury backs into Leo.   Then immediately following (no rest for the wicked, or for the rest of us), Mars makes an antagonizing and igniting square to impulsive, explosive Uranus on the 9th, then a take-no-prisoners power and control opposition to intense Pluto on the 10th.   Pow!

Is there any good news in all this?   Of course there is.   Herein lies golden opportunity to wake up, take all this immense energy, and focus to get to it, as long as your ‘it’ is from your higher Self and thus in alignment with universal law and principle.   We are again reminded of the wisdom of the advice to follow a path with heart.   With awareness, compassion, insight, patience, neutrality, fearlessness, and a little humor, we can see thru all the drama play to the clearing and transformation that is unfolding, gloriously – even if the process might be a little messy at times.

The Aquarius full Moon on August 13th piques willfulness, yet the Sun less than a degree from magnetizing Venus in regal Leo brings some grace, while also indicating more potential volatility and erratic changes, especially with those in power, as Mars now tightly conjuncts uranian transneptunian (TNP) Kronos, which relates to leaders, and activates Mars/Uranus, Pluto/Kronos, and Uranus/Kronos midpoints on the 90 degree dial, triple underlining all of the above.   There will be those who get mad, then get even – and then get odd.   The next kicker to watch for is July 16th when Mars hits the 9 degree Cancer eclipse point, activating the lunar eclipse of this past July 1st.

First Venus on August 21st, then the Sun on the 23rd enter much more reasonable and measured Virgo, which should help calm things.    Just before Mercury ends its ‘do-over!’ Rx and stations to turn direct at 19 Leo on August 26th, Mars makes a testy square to authoritarian Saturn setting/testing limits to excess, while on the previous day Venus makes a passionate and lush trine loving excess to powerful Pluto.

Finally, the new Moon on August 28th at 5 degrees Virgo conjunct Venus all form a grand trine in grounding, practical earth signs to Pluto in pragmatic Capricorn and Jupiter in stabilizing Taurus – all’s well that ends well!    After the wild ride that flourishes most of the month, much should be shaken out and cleared, and we should end the month on pretty good footing.

Take time to integrate the shifts and changes, continue to shake off the old patterns and limiting beliefs.   Dance with it all, as we do well to recalibrate our energies in resonance with the bigger, deeper unity consciousness transformation that is in process and emerging.  It bears repeating to invite you to continue to take time for introspection and meditation to gain increasing clarity and inspiration about Who you are and Why you are here, and to not get distracted by things that aren’t worth your highest focus and efforts.   Take heart!   It’s going to be a ferocious and glorious month – these are the times we came here for, so show up!  Deepen in fearless radiance and joy, center in gratitude and compassion.   Heartful, wild warrior blessings to all!

Correction to my July forecast:   I wrote “Of course, Uranus is still in that cardinal grand square opposing Saturn and Zeus and squaring Pluto opposing Hades and Zeus, so continue to be mindful and maintain your integrity …” when it was Pluto opposing Hades and Kronos!    Thank you, Wyxx, for the catch!

About Janis:
Janis is extremely psychic and works with 5 Angelic Mentors as a spiritual counselor and practical mystic.  She also does distance healing and clearing.

As a teacher, spiritual counselor and astrologer for several decades, my traditional astrological background includes dial and asteroid study with Martha Lang-Wescott, and beginning tutoring in Uranian astrology with Ruth Brummund. I have given presentations on the planetary archetypes and music at Don Campbell’s Mystery School as part of his teaching staff, and also to ROMA (Rocky Mountain Astrologers), the Colorado Federation of Astrologers, and the Colorado Jung Society.

My non-traditional astrological explorations include studying Tibetan astrology at the Tibetan Institute of Medicine and Astrology (Men-Tsee-Khan) in Dharamsala, India, and receiving initiation and studying its astrologically related and derived Kalachakra Tantra. As part of my interest in experiential and manifested astrological applications, I have also learned to do the Sufi dervish spins and walks of the planets from Sufi teachers Wali Ali and Pir Shabda Kahn.

I have many years study and experiential work in Native American, Tibetan Buddhist, and Jungian studies and dream work, including many years study with several shamans from different traditional backgrounds and lineages. There I have studied healing, oracle, energy studies, psychic imagery, Peruvian toning, universal laws and principles, and more. Using a meditation technique I call “direct inquiry” I have engaged with archetypal energies of the elements, planets, stars, and even a black hole. They are not accustomed to being “invited to tea” and are most intriguing and gracious guests!

In addition to my love of “dancing with the archetypes” of the planetary beings, I take a practical mystic and compassionate intuitive approach to my astrology readings as a means of spiritual counseling. I see a chart as “the blueprint to the soul’s growth”, and humorously, as “the contract in your lifetime orientation packet”, providing keys of understanding in how to integrate and balance Essence, ego and mind in one’s life and path. I have done astrological readings for people on every continent except Africa ~ yes, even Antarctica…  I also teach astrology classes in asteroids, the uranian transneptunians, and the 90 degree dial.

I love to travel, and have taken spiritual journeys to India, Peru, Australia, Japan, Venezuela, and Greece. My travels support my Essence recall, as I take a multicultural as well as multi- and interdimensional approach to my life and work.

Janis is available in-store or privately by appointment.  303-832-2333
Previous monthly forecasts on my blog at
Janis available in-store on Friday and Saturday afternoons from 12-5 or by appointment.  Contact the store for details and to book your session in advance.  Cost:  $50/30 minutes; $95/hour.

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