July Astrology Highlights – “Dancing with the Stars”

By Janis Page   c2011

Can you believe 2011 is already halfway over?   What a reminder of how time is accelerating and intensifying…  And July starts out with a bang, and I’m not talking about fireworks for July 4th.    The new Moon on July 1st  brings the ‘extra credit’ third of what is usually a pair of eclipses, the previous eclipses falling on June 1st and 15th.   As said in June’s forecast, eclipses are about shaking up and shedding whatever needs to change or go for the next phase of your evolution, as indicated by the sign and house the eclipse falls in, and whatever planets are activated in your chart.    This solar eclipse at 9 degrees of what is usually pretty sweet Cancer is pretty ferocious because the Sun and Moon are conjunct uranian transneptunians (TNP) Kronos and Hades, and complete a demanding grand cardinal square, opposing powerful Pluto in Capricorn, and squaring volatile Uranus and shadowy Black Moon Lilith in Aries opposing disciplinarian Saturn conjunct explosive TNP Zeus in Libra.    Watch for power plays, temper tantrums, blockages but also breakthroughs, the demand to do it right coupled by the urge to do it however the hell you feel like doing it.   There is a lot of emotional trigger-reaction in this chart, further exacerbated by Mercury conjunct TNP Vulcanus in Cancer, thus the tendency to feel your thoughts more than think them, and forcefully so.    There is more water with Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, adding a flavor of escapism and activation of old wounds and defense patterns.

Fireworks, indeed.   So, we can expect more old attitudes, beliefs and karmic issues to be forced to resolution.   It’s also feeling like these three eclipses, and this last one in particular, may signal a sharp turn and recalibration in the evolutionary processes – we’ll have to see how it plays out to get some understanding and feel for what the ‘new rules’ are.    It is also likely that another wave of souls will complete their soul agreements and exit.   And, the death rate will stay about the same as it’s always been, which is pretty close to one each.   No one will leave before they are ready, and many of those who are ready may have an option to remain incarnate longer, to participate and enjoy the fireworks and further quickening evolutionary processes.

By the time the long holiday weekend ends, after the eclipse, Mercury enters prideful Leo, the Sun squares challenging Saturn, Venus enters sensitive Cancer then quickly forms an idealistic trine to Neptune, and Mercury makes an inspiring, intuitive trine to Uranus.

Are we feeling independent?   We should at least be warming up to it, as Uranus slows to a standstill for a week from July 7th to the 14th, turning retrograde at 4 degrees Aries on the 9th.   Expect some fits and starts, some chaos and erratic shifts, reversals, and changes.

Another oddity about early July is that nearly all the planets are in early degrees of signs.   The effect of this is that when the Moon goes void of course (VOC), meaning it will make no more aspects before it exits a sign to enter the next sign, it will frequently be VOC for over a full day.   Moon VOC can mean no interference to plans, or that ‘nothing will come of it’ – which is convenient in filing tax returns to avoid an audit.   The effect is that there will sometimes be a feeling of a long hesitation or time/space before plans can move forward.

A ‘get serious, but try not to get depressed’ square from enjoyment-seeking Venus to stern taskmaster Saturn on July 13th precedes the full Moon on July 14th in Saturn’s sign of Capricorn, on the Aries axis at 22 ½ degrees, firing a wake-up shot to drop frivolous, resource-wasteful endeavors to take care of security needs, scoring one for the tortoise, and zero for the hare…

The Sun then enters its own sign of Leo on July 22, bringing a renewed focus on creativity, children, life force essence energy, and a bit of risk of egotism.   The new Moon at 7 degrees of  Leo then follows a week later on July 30th, conjunct Venus happy in the sign, and in the public visible 10th house for Denver.   An indulgent square to Jupiter, content in earthy Taurus, which opposes spiritual TNP Poseidon makes this look like a pretty sweet if indulgent time, with more creativity and spark added by a close flowing trine from the Sun, Moon and Venus to Uranus, happily rebellious in Aries.    Of course, Uranus is still in that cardinal grand square opposing Saturn and Zeus and squaring Pluto opposing Hades and Zeus, so continue to be mindful and maintain your integrity (always!) but the end of the month should be a lot more flowing and easy than the beginning with that eclipse.

Enjoy the warmth and the rain, get out in nature, pursue your creative endeavors, and enjoy the summer – rest and time for recharge and integration is so important.   Also continue to take time for introspection and meditation to gain increasing clarity and inspiration about Who you are and Why you are here, and don’t get distracted by things that aren’t worth your highest focus and efforts.   Ain’t no mountain high enough…   Again, be willing to let go of that which falls away, and take heart.   Deepen in ferocious radiance, joy, gratitude, compassion, patient acceptance.   As always, many heartful and wild blessings to all…

About Janis:
Janis is extremely psychic and works with 5 Angelic Mentors as a spiritual counselor and practical mystic.  She also does distance healing and clearing.

As a teacher, spiritual counselor and astrologer for several decades, my traditional astrological background includes dial and asteroid study with Martha Lang-Wescott, and beginning tutoring in Uranian astrology with Ruth Brummund. I have given presentations on the planetary archetypes and music at Don Campbell’s Mystery School as part of his teaching staff, and also to ROMA (Rocky Mountain Astrologers), the Colorado Federation of Astrologers, and the Colorado Jung Society.

My non-traditional astrological explorations include studying Tibetan astrology at the Tibetan Institute of Medicine and Astrology (Men-Tsee-Khan) in Dharamsala, India, and receiving initiation and studying its astrologically related and derived Kalachakra Tantra. As part of my interest in experiential and manifested astrological applications, I have also learned to do the Sufi dervish spins and walks of the planets from Sufi teachers Wali Ali and Pir Shabda Kahn.

I have many years study and experiential work in Native American, Tibetan Buddhist, and Jungian studies and dream work, including many years study with several shamans from different traditional backgrounds and lineages. There I have studied healing, oracle, energy studies, psychic imagery, Peruvian toning, universal laws and principles, and more. Using a meditation technique I call “direct inquiry” I have engaged with archetypal energies of the elements, planets, stars, and even a black hole. They are not accustomed to being “invited to tea” and are most intriguing and gracious guests!

In addition to my love of “dancing with the archetypes” of the planetary beings, I take a practical mystic and compassionate intuitive approach to my astrology readings as a means of spiritual counseling. I see a chart as “the blueprint to the soul’s growth”, and humorously, as “the contract in your lifetime orientation packet”, providing keys of understanding in how to integrate and balance Essence, ego and mind in one’s life and path. I have done astrological readings for people on every continent except Africa ~ yes, even Antarctica…  I also teach astrology classes in asteroids, the uranian transneptunians, and the 90 degree dial.

I love to travel, and have taken spiritual journeys to India, Peru, Australia, Japan, Venezuela, and Greece. My travels support my Essence recall, as I take a multicultural as well as multi- and interdimensional approach to my life and work.

Janis is available in-store or privately by appointment.  303-832-2333 janis@rubymala.com
Previous monthly forecasts on my blog at http://blog.rubymala.com/

Janis available in-store on Friday and Saturday afternoons from 12-5 or by appointment.  Contact the store for details and to book your session in advance.  Cost:  $50/30 minutes; $95/hour.  www.forheavensake.com

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